The Garden Martini

Our Garden Cocktail range are all designed to be the perfect drink for a summer evening, made using herbs and fresh, fruity flavours, these are delightfully light, but still pack a punch!


40ml Sibling Original Gin

15ml Elderflower Cordial

10ml Limoncello

15ml Sauvignon Blanc (or Pinot Grigio)

20ml Lime Juice (or a good squeeze)

Basil (muddled)


Lightly muddle a handful of basil leaves into the bottom of a cocktail shaker (or a pint glass if you don’t have one!) – enough to crush them but not shred them.

Add all other ingredients and top up with ice cubes, stir to mix and cool before straining into a coup or martini glass.

Serve with a basil garnish for maximum freshness.