We had a party!

We had a party!

Sibling & Battledown New Premises Opening Party Last Friday night we threw a party to ‘warm’ our new warehouse and it worked. On the evening of the 24th, our distillery was warmer and more full of life than ever before. We were lucky enough to be hosting everyone...
Summer Events June-August ’16

Summer Events June-August ’16

Sat June 4th – Cheltenham Fine Food Fair – 9am-4pm Sat June 11th – WORLD GIN DAY – Sibling World Gin Day Party at John Gordon’s, Cheltenham –                                                                      all day until late...
15 Examples of Why Online Reviews are Nonsense

15 Examples of Why Online Reviews are Nonsense

This is something that has tickled us since day one. The reviews that gins, and other spirits receive on the reviews sections of drinks websites like Masters of Malt and Amazon. You see, you’d think that this was a hugely important part of our work, and something that...
Christmas Events Nov-Dec ’15

Christmas Events Nov-Dec ’15

We’ve had lots of people asking when we’ll be where in the run up to Christmas, which is a very good question as we’ll be all over the place and would love to see as many of you as possible! As well as all of these dates, and our retailers,...
How To 007 Your Martini Order

How To 007 Your Martini Order

No one likes that awkward moment when you mubble your way through a martini order and have to repeat it 56,000,101 times. Not you, not the barman and least of all your underwhelmed date. Here’s a cool little infographic to help you towards becoming the...
We Just Got Smarta!

We Just Got Smarta!

We have just been announced as one of the Smarta 100 companies, in the top 10 Start Ups of the Year! Pretty cool, but now we’d like your help… If you could take 10 seconds to follow this link and click vote, then we’d be incredibly grateful....
Shadowplay Photography

Shadowplay Photography

Shadowplay are a creative studio, based in Cheltenham, who specialise in photography, film and CGI. Having grown up all of our lives in Cheltenham, we’d heard of the name and seen the sign-written 4×4, but now our connection has evolved and it’s looking good. With...
Parisian Cocktail Bars – so near, but so far

Parisian Cocktail Bars – so near, but so far

Everyone has their own ideas of Paris, from girly posters of the Eiffel Tower, to dirty streets and rude waiters. Having spent a lot of time their over the last few years, I can safely say it’s a combination of the two, and a lot more. Now you can expect me to say...
What’s New?

What’s New?

So… What’s new with us? Recently, we have spent a lot of time in Bristol. We’ve been checking out the bar scene, meeting lots of cool people and now have a selection of stockists that we’re incredibly happy with, including Hausbar, Charlie’s Bar, Corks, The Pump House...
Clarice’s Week in 300 words

Clarice’s Week in 300 words

I’ve been from one extreme to the other this past fort night. Starting with Mud Runner Oblivion at Eastnor Castle, consisting of a ten kilometre cross country run with 10 ‘obstacles’ including lakes, mud pits and scrambling up muddy banks – To...
Cheltenham Food and Drink Festival

Cheltenham Food and Drink Festival

Last weekend (Friday 13th-Sunday 15th), we packed up cases of gin and started out on the long trip to Montpellier (0.5 miles, tops). We set up our 1970’s cocktail bar, and began pouring mini G&T’s for anyone who came to us, which was to our surprise, very many...
Clarice’s Week in 300 words

Sibling Distillery Launch Party

The 4th of June marked the beginning of a new era in gin making, as the four siblings who have co-founded Sibling Distillery held a party for the launch of their Sibling Triple Distilled Gin. Upon arrival, there was a queue to the door of Lily Gins – a recently opened...