The 4th of June marked the beginning of a new era in gin making, as the four siblings who have co-founded Sibling Distillery held a party for the launch of their Sibling Triple Distilled Gin.

Upon arrival, there was a queue to the door of Lily Gins – a recently opened cocktail bar with an innovative selection of drinks – guests flooded in and were offered Sibling Triple Distilled Gin, and Fever Tree tonic.

Within 10 minutes, the ground floor was full of a combination of press, local entrepreneurs and business people as well as friends and family. The mood in the room was buzzing as guests took in the bottle design and dramatic images of the distillery that covered the walls, but most importantly, the drink that they had been given.

Some of the over 200 guests made their way upstairs to the second floor. Behind the bar, Dominic, the cocktail flairer impressed them, mixing up a variety of cocktails from the bespoke Sibling menu, including Big Brother, Twisted Sister and Thicker than Water.

The excitement that filled the room was electric, and fuelled further by illusionist Andy Field – an international magic champion – who entertained, with mystifying tricks and slight of hand. He wasn’t alone in his spellbinding nature, Nicola Phillips read the fortunes of anyone brave enough, while Benjamin Chocolatier created exquisite Sibling gin, white chocolate and cracked black pepper truffles that thrilled our senses in yet another way.

Electro-swing music played throughout the regency building, and was stopped for just a few short minutes as Felix, Clarice and Cicely talked through the process, ingredients and ideas that go into Sibling Distillery, and the resulting Triple Distilled Gin.

The official ‘end’ came and went, but guests continued to enjoy the drinks, fun and the atmosphere that surrounded the entire evening. But those who had to leave, left with a smile and a sample of Sibling Triple Distilled Gin.

For any more information or questions you may have, please do make contact with us.