It’s testament to how frantic we have been that we haven’t posted since well before Christmas, apologies for that, we will try and make it a bit more frequent now!

Since the last post we have launched and sold out of a limited winter edition gin (don’t worry, our spring version is on the horizon – you heard it here first!), and moved to our new distillery two miles up the road in the Cotswold countryside. Moving distillery was a huge deal for us; not only because it has meant that we are able to finally increase the amount of gin that we are producing, but also because we are going to be a part of the exciting Dowdeswell Park development. On top of that it has given us the opportunity to employ our first full time ‘non-family member’ of the team; Milly came on board just before Christmas to help us cope with the increased demand and was offered a full time position shortly afterwards. This is obviously a big step for us, but one that we were very keen to take. Over the last three years we have pushed ourselves to the limit so without adding to our team we had reached the peak of what we could do. Throughout this year we hope we will get the chance to further add to the team, but we will only be growing our team at the necessary rate – we’re not ready to be taking it easy yet!

This Friday we will be throwing a party at our new distillery for those who bought tickets through our crowdfunding page and stockists of our gin – if our launch party is anything to go by it will be a great evening and gives us a chance to celebrate the last three years. One of the great things about the move has also been that we are finally able to hold tours and private events at the distillery; we’ve been really enjoying those and so have the guys who’ve been coming on them, so hope to see some of you on one of them soon!

On top of all this, we have developed a great partnership with another alcohol producing family over in Ireland. Hyde Whiskey are now distributing our gin for us over on that side of the Irish sea, something we’ve been looking to do for ages but have waited until we were in a position to forge a real partnership with a firm and not simply send it over to a distributor. We are confident that they will represent us really well in a country that is hugely important to us for a number of reasons!

The other milestone recently has been that I’ve turned 25, meaning I (and only I) am now able to appear in promo material for Sibling. For those who don’t know, the ASA ruled that we weren’t allowed to appear on our promotional material until this age – there is still a long way to go for Digby though, who turns 18 next month!

All in all, an exciting few months for Sibling and a positive start to 2017.

Until next time.
